A Letter to People


Josiah Armstrong

We are all parts of the same body. Each church fellowship that is under Christ is a part of a larger church body. Every fellowship is filled with diverse body parts with functions, values, gifts, likes and dislikes. When met with other parts in fellowship, we are challenged to change or humbled to be able to change another.

A church is made up of people. A church is people. Denominations are churches and they are made up of people. Jesus came to earth as a person. He built a church but tore down the building. He connected with, changed, and challenged all walks of life. He connected the sinner to the saint — the pauper to the king — His life was about loving and connecting.

Jesus simplified everything when He said in Matthew 22:37-40 to love. Love God and love people — that is the greatest command in all of scripture.

For a fellowship to delve into deep scriptural means is needed, and they should be commended. But it is a crime for the very words of God to be used as a tool of division. Congregations disconnected from fellow brothers and sisters on the bases of the very words of life.

All scripture, all people, all fellowship are subject to the love of God. If we can agree on this, then scripture will regain its true function. Brothers and sisters will always have a foundation of friendship. Fellowship will stop being a building, brand, or denomination.

Life will open up wide!

Brought back together by the perfect love of God, followers of Christ will begin to function like one body. Each person motivated to be a specific part of the body that God is using to reach the world.

We are all different, but we can be connected with one another by the skin of the gospel. Just as God has loved us, so we can love others. Meaning, hope, faith, joy — everything makes sense when we Love.

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